Which Grass is Right for Me?

Looking to create a thriving green space? Find out which grass type you should invest in to get the most enjoyment out of your space.

Sir Walter Buffalo Turfsir-walter-turf-supplies-sydney

Sir Walter is the Aussie classic. Tough yet soft, a Sir Walter lawn will require next to no maintenance. A premium turf that fights off disease and fungus with ease, keeps a tight growing habit to keep out weeds and adapts to drought. If this wasn’t enough – Sir Walter is also ideal for allergy sufferers!

Great for: family and children play areas.


nullarbor-couch-turf-supplies-sydneyNullarbor Couch Turf

Nullarbor Couch Turf is Sydney’s sporty specialty! With luscious green colour and the ability to recover from wear and stresses in record time, this grass is ideal for sporting surfaces, residential and commercial projects. Nullarbor Couch Turf loves a low mow, should be mowed weekly during summer and kicks into gear early after winter.

Great for: areas with heavy traffic.


Eureka Kikuyu Turf

Looking for an all-rounder grass that won’t break the bank? Eureka Kikuyu is for you. Slightly coarser than Sir Walter Buffalo Turf or Nullarbor Couch Turf, this is an ideal option for larger outdoor areas and erosion-prone locations.

Great for: larger areas or areas prone to erosion and waterlogging.



Platinum Zoysia Turfplatinum-zoysia-turf-supplies-sydney

Platinum Zoysia Turf plays the long game. With a slow but steady growth rate, this grass won’t demand all your time with mowing, maintenance and more. Once established, it will generally outcompete weeds, and has the ability to withstand hot, dry conditions. So if drought strikes, or if you’re looking to save on water Platinum Zoysia Turf might be the cost-effective choice for you.

Great for: those that want an easy lawn with little maintenance woes.


Still unsure which grass is right for you? Find out more on 1800 668 786 or make an enquiry on our website.

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J&B Buffalo Turf Supplies